About Us

About Elite Public School

Elite Public School, Pakur Jharkhand Run and Managed by “Arvind Social Service and Educational Trust (ASSET)” Pakur has come a long way from its fledge days and spread its wing to a sore high up in the sky achieving greater and greater heights.

Elite Public School is recognized through its academic world for its progressive approach and commitment towards excellence. Distinction and diversity are the twin hallmarks of its philosophy. Today it stands as a citadel of learning and a harbinger of quality, consciousness committed to develop the young minds.


Who We Are

Elite Public School, Pakur Jharkhand Is Affiliated to C.B.S.E, New Delhi up to Senior Secondary (+2) Level. Affiliation No 3430601, School Code 66612.EPS, Pakur has come a long way from its fledge days and spread its wing to a sore high up in the sky achieving greater and greater heights. Elite Public School is recognized through its academic world for its progressive approach and commitment towards excellence. Distinction and diversity are the twin hallmarks of its philosophy.

What We Do

At EPS Pakur the standard the standard of teaching is high and learning is marked by a sense of adventure.The students are taught by Team of Experienced and Enthusiastic teachers who make education fun and take every oppurtunity to cultivate creativity individuality and a loveof learning. We aim and believe that the purpose of education is to create students who will become confident, responsible, happy and successful individuals.

Our values

Elite Public School, Pakur is unique amalgation of traditional values and contemporary pedagogy.The school lays immense emphasis on nurturing core values of COURAGE,COMPASSION,EQUALITY and INTEGRITY in all its students.The School would facilitate its studens to learn and imbibe along with their subjects of study, discipline, ethis, tradition, and culture.This is with and objective to bring out the students not only intellectually well-equipped but also enable them to become socially committed citizens.


Our Vision

Rooted in the Motto "Service Before Self".EPS, Pakur is a school with a soul.We Envision to make our children.

  • Self-reliant and prosuctive individuals,ready to serve the community.
  • To Develop in students the quality of Integrity, Honesty, Trust, Tolerance and Compassion.
  • To Promote the spirit of enquiry.
  • To Foster a scientific temper within the bounds of humanim.
  • To help the students to become a meaningful part of his/her eniviroment.

Aim and Objective

  • We lay emphasis on experimental and exploratory methods of learning well beyond classrooms, as well as espouse the practice of our school values and attributes.
  • We explore new avenues of learning and encourage our children to ask open ended questions.
  • We create a strong relationship with the child and enhance the connection between the educator, parent and the child.
  • We understand the child’s interest and help them discover their identity and purpose in life.
  • We create a comfortable safe environment for children.