Code of Conduct

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Instruction For Parents

Parents – Teacher co-operation is fundamental for complete and harmonious development of a student’s personality. To bring out the best in a child, the family influences should help to inculcate in him/her the desirable behavior patterns, healthy habits and positive attitudes in personal and social life.

  1. Make sure that your ward comes to school in proper uniform as per the specification and design laid by the school.
  2. Make an impression upon your ward that that should come to school and observe punctuality of time regularly and should not miss the school even for a day unless it is unavoidable. No valuable article should be worn by the students or should be sent with the student. Pupils must be responsible for their own books, pens, cycles, tiffin boxes or any article brought to the school.
  3. The report cards/progress report cards signed by the parents should be returned to school within two days of its receipt.
  4. Parents are not allowed to talk to their ward or take them away from the school premises during school hours without the permission of the Principal.
  5. Those who seek information or who want to make some complaints should do so to the Principal and not to the teachers however they can meet the Principal or the teacher on prior appointment.
  6. For a healthy and purposeful interaction between the parents and the teachers, a Parent – Teacher Association (PTA) meeting is organized from time to time in the school.
  7. It is impossible to educate the child without good example and cooperation of the parents/guardian with the Principal and staffs. A parent/guardian should respect the Principal and staff all the time.

Instruction For Students

  1. Come to school clean, well-groomed and in proper uniform with polished shoes.
  2. Remain regular in attendance and never come late to the school.
  3. Be present in morning prayers and other school activities.
  4. Bring all the school text books and other study materials required for the day.
  5. Bring your school diary to the school every day.
  6. Be ready to pick up good habits and shun the bad ones; learn social manners and prepare yourself for healthy citizenship in a democratic country.
  7. Remember the school is running for your improvement and growth and always be willing to respect its discipline and rules framed or the purpose.
  8. Keep your classroom clean. Throw wastes into the dustbin only.
  9. Insist your parents to sign your school diary daily and also the examination report cards on a regular note.
  10. Students should obey house prefects, class monitors and other students on duty.
  11. Students are not allowed to leave the school during working hours unless authorized person whose signature is given on the first page of the school diary comes in person to make the request.
  12. Students are allowed to leave their classroom only when they carry outgoing pass with them.
  13. Follow the examination rules properly.
  14. Be polite, respectful to your parents, teachers and visitors.
  15. Do not hesitate to contact your Principal if there is difficulty.